Sunday, August 10, 2014


 I can't remember the last time I went out, free of kids, free of expectations or even free from a date. I like to think of myself as the ultimate Virgo. "Virgos, more than any other sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy... Some might even go as far as calling them self-centered, but it's really more of a desire to surround themselves with what's right -- for them." Added to the fact that I fully enjoy doing things on my own, (sometimes).
 Once I was over the guilt of having some "me time", I was able to just enjoy the day. Balboa is a comfort place for me. As a kid my family would head out in the summer off of, A Street. The day started with perfect weather, tasty food at the Crab Cooker, a quick fresh coconut water, toes in the sand, $1 ferry ride across the harbor, then ended with a short walk to live music and good beers. This, was just what I needed.
Some "me time" is needed for not only mother's but I truly feel like all people need to find the simple things that keep them grounded to the simple pleasures. I'm guilty of getting too involved with the outer aspects of life, all very important things.With work, the household, a school year, all of the after-school activities and making time for friendships. All in which are important aspects. But, who are we when we are alone? I used to have a strong sense of self but lately I've lost it. Can anyone relate?
So here's my, "Get Back In Touch With Your, Me Time", speech:
Get out, do it, find it, search for it, get lost in it, close your eyes and see with your heart, be a kid again and remember where this place is because you'll always want to come back to it. Balboa, Ca

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